John Tesoro

Known Mercenary for hire assuming the alias of Surge


See attached file for subject's biological data and appearance.

Known talents, Abilities, and equipment

See attached file for documented abilities and equipment.


Information not available to FBSA files.


Name: John Tesoro
Alias: Surge
Age: 37
DOB: April 26, 1989
Race: Augmented Human
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Weight: 223lbs
Eye Color: Green ; Subtle glow
Hair Length and Color: Just beyond the shoulders, black.
Distinguishing Markings: Diagonal Scar from left brow to just below left eye. Subtle glowing eyes. Scarring along torso and lower body. Large circular scar in right palm same size as crystal located on top of right hand.
Orientation: Straight
Relationships: Unknown
Occupation: Mercenary
Employer: Currently none
Threat Level: Moderate to High Threat, fluctuates.

Details regarding the discrepancy between the subject's age and date of birth are currently unknown. Update file when the details become known.

Known Talents, Abilities, and Equipment

Subject has been observed possessing enhanced physical characteristics including enhanced physical strength, speed, durability, heightened healing factor, high pain tolerance, and most interestingly the ability to project electricity from his body. Witnesses have gone on record describing the electricity as greenish in color and ranging from light 'zaps' to full on electrocution causing injury or death. Physical contact with Subject results in a tingling sensation brought on by electrical currents transferring from his body to another. Will often be witnessed with a rubber glove, wristband, or combat grade gauntlet to prevent this sensation.

In addition to the enhanced physical characteristics, Subject has been observed to be adept with various firearms and munitions, hand to hand combat, and limited but still dangerous with close combat weaponry. Subject has been observed possessing a collection of munitions from small arms to heavy ordinance and explosives along with jet boots. Subject possesses a military grade uniform with impervium plates protecting subject's chest.

Though not considered to be equipment, Subject has been observed with a green colored crystal, which glows, embedded into the top of his right hand. The origin and purpose is currently unknown, however scans have determined crystal is of extra-dimensional origin. Telepaths have reported being completely blocked. Those with the ability to sense auras and intent have reported a malicious and dark aura that seems to originate from the crystal, but when focusing on the Subject report nothing out of the ordinary.


John grew up in the troubled streets of King's Row, learning to basically fend for himself at a young age. He fell in with the wrong crowd and hadn't really looked back. He fought, robbed, injured, and eventually killed to survive. At some point in his life he learned that the only way to survive is to be useful to somebody in high places. Every citizen, cop, politician, gang, and organization has a need for something. John learned to be useful, mainly as hired muscle in a city that is a hotspot for lawbreakers and lawbringers. John put himself to work for whoever could and would pay him for his services.

Started small with being fodder and a courier, but when he obtained his... talents... he'd taken up the alias of Surge and that's when business began to pick up. Not only did local gangs want his extra muscle, but PPD, Vanguard, Arachnos, Portal Corp, Longbow, Crey, Malta, and more. They all came calling. Asking for the suddenly more capable John Tesoro. His usefulness had skyrocketed from his unenhanced self. Most mercenaries can be easily bought off with the right amount of money even during a job, but John wasn't like most. No matter what he was offered to betray his employer it never worked. His loyalty lasted as long as the job remained and until the job was completed. Sometimes it ended it failure sure, but most cases he brought success. The only jobs he has ever refused after his abilities manifested was entering the Shadow Shard. Not a single explanation has been given why these offers have been declined without hesitation. If asked his only response, if he bothered to give one, would be 'Because I don't want to.'

To say that John is a loner would be an understatement. To see him socialize is a rarity and ironically is commonly found inside Pocket D. Why such a place meant for socialization attracts him would be anybody's guess, but if he was there 365 days out of the year, 360 of them would be spent in relative solitude. Drinking, eating, staring out into the endless nothing of the 'D, and seemingly brooding on his own. The number of individuals who can claim to have gotten close can be counted on a single hand and would agree that he is not a good person, not by a long shot, but to be able to call him friend meant that he would be there without hesitation for somebody whenever needed. Unless he's needed in the Shadow Shard. The stoic man who shows no fear in fact has a fear. He cannot, will not, go back to that place.